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Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Annoying Elves" by Rachel

Clank, Pop, Crash!!! My castle was almost done except for one thing, it had fallen down again. This had to have been my hundredth try on standing it up. I was covered again with plastic pieces and I was very annoyed. I was standing it up for the hundred and first time. I was finally done with it. I was setting it up so that me and my brother could play with our elves in it. I went over and started to get my elves out. CRASH!!! I had been shoveling them onto the castle and they had knocked it down again. I groaned and started to put them back up . By then my brother had found his elves and was standing over me. He looked very confused. "What are you doing"? he asked. well.......I CANT STAND IT UP AND IT KEEPS FALLING DOWN AND MY ELVES ARE ANNOYING ME!!!!!!!! the end of my explanation, OK? When he understood me after a few minuets he said "I'll help you" Later we had a perfect castle and we were ready to play. I was proud, happy, and VERY relieved to have it standing without a mess. WWWWOOOOHHHHOOOO !!!!!!!


  1. Sometimes it takes and extra hand to make something work. Great job of "keep trying".

  2. Whhhaaaat??? I speak fluent Rachel and I was so like what the heck are you talking about? This is one of those stories I wish I could have heard, because I just know Rach is talking 101 MPH when she tells this story! Great job on your first story Rachel!

  3. Great story Rachel...and great team work, it is good to have an understanding brother.
