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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"A Very Good Day" by Mark

I woke up the day after the stinky day. This time I did not have a bad dream. I went to my ladder and went down. I hopped over the sharp Lego and opened my door. I did not slip at all. When mom woke up she made special breakfast. The special breakfast was french toast. At school I got almost every fact right. At dinner I got dessert. I got four chapters of story and went to bed on time. What a good day it was.


  1. Mark, I am so sorry you had a stinky day, but I'm glad that the next day was better. Keep having good the way, excellent story. :)

  2. Sometimes it seems that all days are stinky, but you found so many good things the next day that maybe we just need to skip stinky days! Great story!

  3. Everyone has stinky days, but when you can have a good day and get dessert, that's really special. I had kind of a stinky day today, but Aunt Malette let me have dessert, so that made everything okay. Great Story, Mark.

  4. Great story, Mark. I love you a lot. I hope you don't have another stinky day.

